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"True Religion"
Mark 11: 12 - 25
Main Sermon Points
- Introduction
- Why is Jesus suddenly so angry?
- What is this weird idea of of cursing a poor tree?
- Who would like to throw mountains in the water anyway?
- Context
- Jesus just arrived in Jerusaleum
- Entered as king, but was not received
- A great clash between Jesus and the chief priests is set up
- Shutting down the temple
- Issues with the temple
- A house of all nations
- Isaiah 56:7, A house of prayer for all nations
- Isaiah speaks of a universal service
- Jesus criticizes the divisions within society the priests insisted on
- A den of robbers
- Jememiah 7:11
- The whole chapter is a call to justice
- Issues with the temple
- "Partnership with God cannot be confined or reduced to mere "spiritual attitudes, to devout feelings...It requires a whole persons life, in all it's aspects and relationships. Man can have no real part in holiness without the sanctification of his everyday life" (Martin Buber)
- Issues with the temple
- God demands a wholehearted devotion
- No parts of it is more (or less) sacred than the rest
- Prayer
- Peter sees the withered fig tree and marvels
- Jesus stresses the importance of of having faith in God
- The disciples paid a very high price for standing up against the high-priests