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"Our Forever Hope"
Hebrews 6:13 to 7:3
Main Sermon Points
- Hope
- Definition: to desire with anticipation of fulfilment
- Fulfilment is not guaranteed
- The Importance of the Oath
- Human oath
- God's oath
- An oath
- The hope is...
- An anchor for our soul, an entire being
- Steadfast
- Gives us safety and a reliable basis for living
- JESUS himself, the promise fulfilled!
- Christ our Forever Hope
- The importance of Jesus as High Priest
- The order of Melchizedek
- Who was Melchizedek?
- His name means king of righteousness
- Kind of peace
- No beginning or end
- What does this mean for us?
- Our hope is Jesus, guaranteed, confirmed and fulfilled
- Christ is our forever hope that is guaranteed!